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Thanks to everyone who helped make Boot Camp 2024 a success,
especially our committee chairs: Sarah Christensen Fu, Marci Monson, and Kenechi Uzor!

Monday, September 23
$50 for student members | $99 for members | $125 for non-members 

PubWest Boot Camp is a one-day online conference for those in their first 5 years of working in Book Publishing. Learn about different areas in publishing, plus network with your peers and the PubWest circle of professionals as you grow your knowledge, skill set, and understanding of the industry!

2024's Boot Camp agenda is centered around the numbers behind the bestsellers—from author advances and P&L's to how publishers and CFO's approach allocating limited resources to create, promote, and sell books!

AGENDA: PubWest Boot Camp 2024

all times shown are Pacific; all sessions are virtual

8:30 - 9:45am

Keynote - Managing a Publishing House in a Tough Year

"You mean some years aren’t tough for publishers?" Publishing has left long behind the years of reliably stable backlist sales and operating costs. We are adjusting to managing budgets and cash flows though turbulent times and are learning to work more flexibly with staff and business partners. This presentation will cover enduring general principles adopted by Gibbs Smith, including: never waste a crisis; invest in relationships; build flexibility and resilience into the finances, systems and people; and be more than a bottom line. CEO Brad Farmer will share stories and lessons learned over his 20-year journey at Gibbs Smith.

9:45 - 10:00am

Break: Grab a drink of water, freshen your coffee, and check your email! See you back for more programming at 10:00.

10:00 - 10:30am

What does a CFO do?

It's not just spreadsheets and numbers. Hear from Tobi Eyinade, the co-founder of Rovingheights, Nigeria’s leading and most vibrant bookstore chain, about all that a CFO does.

10:30 - 10:45am

Break: See you back for more programming at 10:45.

10:45am - 12:00pm

The Uses and Abuses of the Publishing P&L

Your acquisitions P&L is only as good as the quality of information you enter into it. Learn more about how to produce P&Ls that give you the best perspective on your potential acquisition decisions. Doug Seibold has been a writer, editor, and publisher for more than 40 years. In 2002, he founded Agate Publishing, a diversified traditional independent press that comprises four distinct trade imprints. In 2023, he launched Agate Publishing Academy, a career development and training program designed to be more focused, more affordable, and more accessible than existing alternatives.

12:00 - 1:00pm

LUNCH: See you back for more programming at 1:00.

1:00 - 2:15pm

Author Advances and Royalties

How do authors (and agents) make money? Sara Megibow (Megibow Literary Agency) walks us through advances, royalties, formats, sub rights, to help make sense of the dollars changing hands in the publishing industry.

2:15 - 2:30pm

Break: See you back for more programming at 2:30.

2:30 - 3:45pm

What Paid Advertising Positively Impacts Book Sales

We'll hear from Melanie Romero, Editor at Lil’ Libros. Their company flourishes through the support of surrounding cultural communities, many of which identify with the American-Latino experience. To promote the company to the maximum level, they exhaust all avenues in advertising to ensure their customers recognize our brand both  nationally and internationally. It is essential to advertise on electronic platforms as we’ve all become more dependent on the power of technology but know there are challenges in social media advertising. We will be discussing the ways we find a balance between organic reach and paid advertising and how Lil’ Libros will always ensure our little ones dream in two languages.

3:45 - 4:00pm

Break: See you back for more programming at 4:00.

4:00 - 5:00pm

Key Publishing Resources Networking Session

Boot Camp planners Marci Monson, Kenechi Uzor, and Sarah Christensen Fu kick us off with recommendations on which assets they turn to as they expand their publishing knowledge. Then meet your fellow attendees and expand your network in small groups.

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